ASM LSM Modern Gold Origin of the gold
Geoforensic passeport of a single mine / supplier
In some very specific cases, we also provide documents confirming the…
In some very specific cases, we also provide documents confirming the…
Program Wednesday, May 3 2023 General program of the day: 09:00-12:30…
Programme Tuesday, May 2nd 09:00-09:10 Introduction Niklas Linde,…
Scientific committee: PD Dr. Barbara Beck, Project Leader, Geochemistry…
Organising committee: PD Dr. Barbara Beck, Project Leader, Geochemistry…
May 2/3, University of Lausanne, Switzerland REPORT ContextThe current…
En Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, la pollution des énergies renouvelables…
La Tanzanie va exploiter le plus grand gisement de nickel au monde…
Pequeños mineros peruanos incrementan exportaciones de oro producido…
En Colombie, l’exploitation illégale d’or gagne les réserves…